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表現の森 協働としてのアート
展覧会タイトル|表現の森 協働としてのアート
アーティスト|石坂亥士・山賀ざくろ×デイサービスセンターえいめい、釜ヶ崎芸術大学、たんぽぽの家、PortB×あかつきの村、Art for peace×ケニアの子どもたち(認定NPO法人 日本紛争予防センター/JCCP)、廣瀬智央・後藤朋美×のぞみの家(母子生活支援施設)、滝沢達史×アリスの広場、中島佑太×南橘団地
協力|一般社団法人 たんぽぽの家、NPO法人 ぐんま若者応援ネット アリスの広場、NPO法人 こえとことばとこころの部屋、認定NPO法人 日本紛争予防センター(JCCP)、ぐんまHHC、国立大学法人 群馬大学、小山登美夫ギャラリー、サヤカ・クリニック、社会福祉法人 清水の会 デイサービスセンターえいめい、社会福祉法人 上毛愛隣社 のぞみの家、社会福祉法人 フランシスコの町 あかつきの村、社会福祉法人 わたぼうしの会、南橘町自治会
アーティスト|石坂亥士・山賀ざくろ×デイサービスセンターえいめい、釜ヶ崎芸術大学、たんぽぽの家、PortB×あかつきの村、Art for peace×ケニアの子どもたち(認定NPO法人 日本紛争予防センター/JCCP)、廣瀬智央・後藤朋美×のぞみの家(母子生活支援施設)、滝沢達史×アリスの広場、中島佑太×南橘団地
協力|一般社団法人 たんぽぽの家、NPO法人 ぐんま若者応援ネット アリスの広場、NPO法人 こえとことばとこころの部屋、認定NPO法人 日本紛争予防センター(JCCP)、ぐんまHHC、国立大学法人 群馬大学、小山登美夫ギャラリー、サヤカ・クリニック、社会福祉法人 清水の会 デイサービスセンターえいめい、社会福祉法人 上毛愛隣社 のぞみの家、社会福祉法人 フランシスコの町 あかつきの村、社会福祉法人 わたぼうしの会、南橘町自治会
「表現の森 協働としてのアート」では、8つのプロジェクトを紹介します。そのうち5つのプロジェクトは、この森のどこかでこの会期の前後も継続的に行われています。表現の森は、これらのプロジェクトのための、学習、話し合い、リハーサル、経過報告、発表、展示のための場です。
Forest of Expression: Art as a Communal Act
Title of Exhibition|Forest of Expression: Art as a Communal Act
Venue|Arts Maebashi Gallery, Gunma
Date|July 22 [Fri.] ~ September 25[Sun.] 2016
Artist|Gaishi Ishizaka, Zakuro Yamaga & Day Service Center Eimei, Tanpopo-no-ye, Port B & Akatsuki No Mura (Akatsuki Village), Art for Peace & kids from Kenya, Satoshi Hirose, Tomomi Goto & Nozomi-no-ie (maternal living support facility Nozomi House), Tatsushi Takizawa & Alice Garden, Yuta Nakajima & Nankitsu Danchi
Organizer|Arts Maebashi, Executive Committee for Advancing Dialogue through Art
Sponsor|The Nippon Foundation
Partners|Tanpopo-no-ye, Alice Garden (NPO), Cocoroom (NPO), Japan Center for Conflict Prevention (Specified N PO), Gunma HHC, Gunma University, Tomio Koyama Gallery, Sayaka Clinic, Day Service Center Eimei, Nozomi- no -ie (Jomo Airinsha), Akatsuki No Mura (Francisco No Machi), Wataboshi-no-kai, Nankitsu Machi Municipality
Presented Work|LDK Tourist
Venue|Arts Maebashi Gallery, Gunma
Date|July 22 [Fri.] ~ September 25[Sun.] 2016
Artist|Gaishi Ishizaka, Zakuro Yamaga & Day Service Center Eimei, Tanpopo-no-ye, Port B & Akatsuki No Mura (Akatsuki Village), Art for Peace & kids from Kenya, Satoshi Hirose, Tomomi Goto & Nozomi-no-ie (maternal living support facility Nozomi House), Tatsushi Takizawa & Alice Garden, Yuta Nakajima & Nankitsu Danchi
Organizer|Arts Maebashi, Executive Committee for Advancing Dialogue through Art
Sponsor|The Nippon Foundation
Partners|Tanpopo-no-ye, Alice Garden (NPO), Cocoroom (NPO), Japan Center for Conflict Prevention (Specified N PO), Gunma HHC, Gunma University, Tomio Koyama Gallery, Sayaka Clinic, Day Service Center Eimei, Nozomi- no -ie (Jomo Airinsha), Akatsuki No Mura (Francisco No Machi), Wataboshi-no-kai, Nankitsu Machi Municipality
Presented Work|LDK Tourist
Welcome to the Forest of Expression.
Animals and plants live together in the Forest, depending on each other. The Forest is very much like where you live. Here, you’ll encounter many kinds of expression, and many friends. No-one knows yet what happens there, what’s about to happen there.
In “Forest of Expression: Art as a Communal Act,” we are presenting eight projects. Five of these projects have been going on since before this event, and will carry on afterwards too, somewhere in this Forest. The Forest of Expression is a place for these projects to hold study sessions, discussions, rehearsals, progress reports, presentations and exhibitions. You might be worried about entering an unknown world, but please, let your curiosity guide you inside. There you’ll find things you know intimately, as well as things you would have never even imagined. We’ll all explore together with the artists we meet in the Forest, bathe in the sunlight, drink the clear water, and spend time developing with the trees and inhabitants of the Forest. So come and experience with us this brand new initiative, brought to you by Arts Maebashi!
We hope to meet you in the Forest of Expression, starting at Arts Maebashi this summer.
Animals and plants live together in the Forest, depending on each other. The Forest is very much like where you live. Here, you’ll encounter many kinds of expression, and many friends. No-one knows yet what happens there, what’s about to happen there.
In “Forest of Expression: Art as a Communal Act,” we are presenting eight projects. Five of these projects have been going on since before this event, and will carry on afterwards too, somewhere in this Forest. The Forest of Expression is a place for these projects to hold study sessions, discussions, rehearsals, progress reports, presentations and exhibitions. You might be worried about entering an unknown world, but please, let your curiosity guide you inside. There you’ll find things you know intimately, as well as things you would have never even imagined. We’ll all explore together with the artists we meet in the Forest, bathe in the sunlight, drink the clear water, and spend time developing with the trees and inhabitants of the Forest. So come and experience with us this brand new initiative, brought to you by Arts Maebashi!
We hope to meet you in the Forest of Expression, starting at Arts Maebashi this summer.